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The Fullness Podcast: Menopause Health & Pro Aging the Non Diet Way

Dec 29, 2022

Subscribe, walk and talk with me, to end 2023, drown out the weight loss noise. Let's talk about things that hold us back, propel us forward and make us feel good as humans!

I'm sharing a real short snippet on how freezing, and procrastination, has held me back from growing in my career. There's other places procratination has held me back, but for today, I'm asking YOU:

  • Do you stay stuck?
  • Do you procrastinate on decisions?
  • Where do you freeze and not make a decision?
  • How do you feel when you make a decision to let something go?

When we stay in the sae place, we have made a decision. A decision not to move ON. That keeps us stuck. Where do you see yourself being stuck in 2022?

Past helpful New Year episodes:
New Year, SAME You. Focus on STRENGTHS for 2022.

Creating Space Before Goals in 2022

Pros and Cons of Fresh Starts: September 7 AND New Years Day


The FIRST step to managing CRAVINGS is knowing your own HUNGER. Physical? Emotional?
Take my class for $7.99:
Cravings, Busted

Ready to Reset and Refresh your GOALS? You need THIS first step. 
Discover your CORE VALUES!

Confused about this NON DIET THING?
Take my FREE Beginner Class!

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